Advertise your company or organization on the Chamber website.
Choose from a variety of affordable options:

Marquee Advertising
Most prominent on the website – this one month ad on the home page rotates along with This Month’s New Members, the next Chamber Luncheon or networking event, and a link to the current month’s Chamber Connection newsletter. It is included with a $400 monthly sponsorship and includes a description of your business and a link to your website. Click here to see a complete list of what is included in the monthly sponsorship package.

Banner Advertising
Online advertising of your business is a vital way of being noticed by potential customers. Banner advertisements – a visual form of promotion that attracts attention instantly – are the best way to drive site visitors in the direction of your website. Banner ads on are rectangular or square in shape and are strategically placed on every webpage. The banner ad is linked to your organization’s website. Prices range from $125 to $375 for a 6 month banner ad, depending on size.  View Sizes Here

Member Directory Listing Image
All Lakewood Chamber of Commerce members are included in the Members List (directory) on the website, along with links to your website, Facebook page, Twitter and LinkedIn accounts and blogs, plus your listing includes a free 25-word description of your business.

Contact Patty at the Chamber office for more information on website sponsorships.