Get involved! Being an active member of a Chamber task force or committee exposes you to many different areas of chamber operations, including marketing & public relations, education, legislative & governmental affairs, event planning, economic development efforts, and more – and it’s a great way to get to know your fellow Chamber members. Contact if you are interested in any of the positions or groups below and are a member in good standing.

Elected Leader Opportunities

Board of Directors (Nominated and voted in by Lakewood Chamber of Commerce members)
Goals and Objectives: Execute the *Strategic Plan enhancing LCC’s strength in the business community and programs supporting the *Mission Statement.

Chair of the Board (Chosen from the Board of Directors)
The Chair of the Board in Chambers of Commerce oversees the strategic direction and governance of the organization, presiding over board meetings, fostering collaboration among directors, and ensuring alignment with the Chamber’s mission and goals.

Executive Committee Leadership (Chosen from the Board of Directors)
Executive committee heads lead designated committees, working alongside the CEO and President to drive initiatives, guide members, and optimize performance across areas such as Economic Development, Education, Legislative & Governmental Affairs, and Membership & Marketing. 

Member Volunteer Task Force Opportunities

Education  Identify and develop engaging programs to enlighten Chamber members through seminars, panel discussions, and workshops. Join our Education Task Force, convening on the first Thursday of each month at 12 noon.

Economic Development  Collaborate with local economic development organizations to foster economic prosperity in our city. Join our Economic Development Task Force, meeting bi-monthly on the 2nd Wednesday of even months at 10 am.

Finance  Provide expert guidance and fiscal oversight to ensure the Chamber’s financial health. Contribute to shaping our Proposed Finance Budget for the fiscal year. Join the Finance Task Force, convening annually in May.

Legislative and Governmental Affairs  Monitor local government issues and cultivate relationships with officials to advocate for the business community. Join our Legislative and Governmental Affairs Task Force, meeting bi-monthly on the 2nd Wednesday of odd months at 8:30 am.

Membership & Marketing  Devise and implement initiatives to attract and retain members, driving our Chamber’s visibility and impact. Join the Membership & Marketing Task Force, gathering on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 8:30 am.

Current Leadership



*Chairman of the Board and President & CEO are ex-officio members of all committees.
*References to the The Strategic Plan refers to that Plan approved by the Board of Directors on 6/8/15.
*References to the Mission Statement refers to the Mission Statement approved by the Board of Directors in the year 2000.

Task Force Appointments
Volunteers are a key ingredient for a healthy and growing Chamber of Commerce. It is the involvement of members that develop future leaders of the Chamber and the Community and accomplishes the goal and strategies necessary for a vitally fit organization. It is also important that our volunteer task force members have a positive experience while working within task forces and the Lakewood Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors. The focus of task force work and achievements are as directed by the Goals and Objectives as set forth in the Strategic Plan as approved by the Board of Directors.

All members should attend meetings regularly. However, it is important for members to call the Chair of their task force to let them know when they will not be able to attend. A member’s absence could be important for the work being conducted at that particular meeting and their absence may be detrimental to accomplishing a project or goal. If the Chair is unable to attend, an acting chair can be designated by the Chair from the approved Board of Directors’ appointees. The professional courtesy of a call prior to the absence is appreciated by all and important for the morale of other task force members.

Task Force Agendas
The Chair is responsible to guide and organize the work for each meeting and provide an Agenda to keep the meeting focused on the important aspects of the projects. An agenda can be as simple as the Topic for the Meeting for open forum discussions or as detailed as needed to accomplish many tasks within short time elements. Knowing the agenda prior to the meeting allows members to come prepared for the meeting. The Chair maintains the flow of the meeting and redirects conversations back to the tasks at hand. It is essential that the Chair maintain communication with the Board of Directors by providing a short, concise report of task force projects and progress. A report should be made available at each of the monthly Board of Directors’ meeting (generally, every second Thursday of each month). Where the Chair does not sit on the Board of Directors, then the report can be submitted to the President & CEO or the Chairman of the Board prior to the meeting. Reports should contain pertinent information such as meeting date and time, members in attendance at the meeting, and pertinent information applicable to the achievement of goals and objectives. Any issues that require the approval of the Board of Directors should be stated and a formal request prepared.

Meeting Reminders
The Chair is responsible to assure that meetings are continuous and the meeting time and date are set appropriately for the majority of the task force members. Helpful tip: email (or fax) is an easy way to keep all members (including absent members) informed of what transpired at the meeting and what actions are needed to be accomplished prior to the next meeting and when the next meeting will be, its location and time. No further reminder messages are necessary unless the meeting time, date or location changes.

Task Force Limitations
As stated in the LCC By-Laws: “No action by a member, task force, division, staff, or officer shall be binding on the Chamber until approved or ratified by the Board of Directors”.